
Monday 28 March 2022

I am still blogging …

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

Click here

to visit my new blog

and see the next stage of my learning journey.

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Friday 13 August 2021

WALT write a paragraph


another one

       My sister and I 

I like going to the mall with my sister.

Sometimes when I’m playing with my friends on the weekends my sister just comes into my room and say’s.

“You wanna come to the mall with me” and then I just say “ok what are you gonna get for me?”.She would usually say “I’m only getting stuff for me”but… on that particular day my sis said “If your gonna come with me you have to get something or I will change my mind” and then I just said ok because I new straightaway what I wanted,

So that's why I like going to the mall with my sister because she is nice to me on weekends.

Talking with my friends
I like going on and talking to my friends.
 It is sometimes boring and I have nothing to do so I go on
that link and tell my friends on messenger that I am on, and the name of it is be-my-mate. Sometimes it takes them about 5 min or 6 min,7 min but it’s ok because they still come on and we talk,but when they take a long time to come on I go on this app called Animxplay and you can watch free anime on thereSo that's why I like going on   

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Starry night

Hi my name is janet and this is starry night.I made this with google drawing i use some shapes to help me and it was fun making this . And it is  called starry night  


Tuesday 1 September 2020

  WAL to blame fairly  Bounce back


Hi, we are going to learn who to blame.


First, do not blame people for something that you did. and ame up for it.and do not just blame bad luck. If you blame yourself if you did then you will get depressed and sad so you have to ame up for your mistakes and you should learn from your mistake so that is Why you should learn not to blame yourself or bad luke and other people.